Life @ TCH

Culture and Diversity in TCH: Diversity refers to any perceived difference among people: age, race, religion, functional specially, profession, sexual orientation, geographic origin, and lifestyle, tenure with the organization or position and any other perceived difference. Diversity is more than equal employment and affirmative action. Diversity management is ensuring that factors are in place to provide for and encourage the continued development of a diverse workforce by melding these actual and perceived differences among workers to achieve maximum productivity. Diversity management involves creating a supportive culture where all employees can be effective. In creating this 

  • culture it is important that top management strongly support workplace diversity as a company goal and include diversity initiatives in their companies’ business strategies
  • It has grown out of the need for organization to recognize the changing workforce and other social pressures that often result
  • it is about fostering a culture that values individuals and their wide array of needs and contributions
  • to give power to the work-force

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